My name is Matt Mattoni and I graduated from UNC in 2019 with a double major in Psychology and Neuroscience. As a Gil Intern I worked in the Neuroimaging and Research Laboratory (NIRL) under Dr. Aysenil Belger. This internship was perfect for my goal of pursuing PhD programs in psychology, as I obtained direct experience in various aspects of research including neuroimaging data collection, data analysis, scientific writing, and a poster presentation – which also looks great on my CV! Networking through this position also helped me secure a postbacc position at UNC in EEG research.
I am very fortunate to have received these opportunities at UNC. They were instrumental in my graduate school applications this year. I’m excited to be starting Temple University’s Clinical Psychology PhD program in Fall 2020, where I will work under Dr. Tom Olino to study depression risk and neural mechanisms of reward using neuroimaging and behavioral techniques. All in all, the Gil program was great in setting me up for both a postbacc job and a graduate school position!
Congratulations, Matt! We are so proud of you!